EREZ ZIELINSKI ROZEN has a fetish for fresh nuances. His incredible energy makes him wander on a constant search for expensive ingredients for his perfumes and perfume sketches. His perfumes are unique as all bottles, from the cap to the label, are saturated with Erez Zielinski Rozen creator’s unique energy.
Catch up with Zielinski & Rozen’s perfumes on a city near you and you will not be disappointed.
Zielinski & Rozen is an artisanal perfume house that dates back to 1905. Perfume alchemist and ideologist Erez Rozen keeps developing his great-grandfather recipe’s fragrances secret formulas that keep evoking an intense emotional affection.
By: Mário de Castro
Do you remember the first time when you had an emotion linked to a perfume?
The first emotion that I remember concerning a perfume was in high school when I was 14 or 15. There was the girl that I liked a lot. At school I didn’t have the guts to go close to her, but I still remember the smell of her shampoo (it’s the local brand that was produced in Israel).
Which is the very first fragrance that you have created?
The fist fragrance that I’ve created (totally mine without the recipe that I’ve got from my great-grandfather) was in Skopje – the capital of Macedonia. Back then I had very uncongenial relationships with one woman, she was an artist. I’ve made the perfume that was influenced by our relationship.
What is more important in a fragrance, the smell or all the emotions that come with it?
It’s a very tricky question cause fragrance can change our emotions. And emotions make us chose the perfume that we want. So they influence each other and none of them are more important. It truly depends.
Do you believe in a fragrance that one can use forever, or every different moments of life can have its fragrances?
It’s a very tricky question as well! It’s like asking me if someone can have the same haircut for life or whether it’s ok to wear the same shirt every day. I do believe that fragrance should be changed according to our life, emotions or the situation. I think that the same fragrance keeping you stopped in the place and not a sign of progression. So, I do think that fragrances should be changed.
What is your daily lifestyle? Do you travel often?
My daily lifestyle is very dynamic because I travel a lot. But the other thing is that I work always, it doesn’t matter where I am. it’s the fact that I need to sit in the morning in the café or in the hotel and I need to have a good breakfast – that is one thing that I can’t live without. In the evenings I always need to drink half a glass of red wine.
Also, I go to the fitness almost every day. I do it for 30 minutes not more than this. I like sports very much.
Perhaps I should add that I like clothes and dress up. Shopping is something that I love very much and also, I like to shop in different cities around the world. That can be designers clothes or local brands. Shopping is something that uplifts my mood immediately.
It takes me some time in the morning to be happy from the way I will look. In the evening, before I go to sleep I always think what I’ll be wearing the day after.
And last but most important! I start and end every day with communication with my three daughters and my wife Leah. Even if we are not together, I start the morning with a call to each of them.
These are the things that will never change no matter where I am.
ZIELINSKI+ROZEN is also famous for it’s bath, home, hands, hair, aroma lines and, of course, it’s giftboxes!